Within North America, DiscipleLand curriculum and products are available from DiscipleLand.com, based in Fort Collins, Colorado, and from key partner resellers.
Please visit the following resellers:
DiscipleGuide: Through curriculum, camps, conferences, our goal is to provide resources that help followers of Christ grow and make disciples.
Kidology: a non-profit organization that exists to equip and encourage those who minister to children.
National Center for Biblical Parenting: help parents understand how to implement a heart-based approach to parenting and help the church develop an environment that supports them.
NOTE: From time-to-time, DiscipleLand offers promotional discounts to U.S. customers. Discounts offered by DiscipleLand.com are available only on DiscipleLand.com. Discounts do not apply to previous orders. Discounts cannot be combined with any other offer(s). Discounts offered by DiscipleLand are valid in the United States only. Discount codes must be used. No refunds are provided if the discount code is not used.