Our Story
Other About Us pages: Adult Bible Studies | Vision & Mission | Why DiscipleLand | DiscipleLand Features and Benefits | What We Believe | Contact Us Through the Bible Publishers launched DiscipleLand in 1999 to champion children's discipleship around the globe. DiscipleLand's family of resources forms a comprehensive Children's Discipleship System™ that helps equip kids to reach their peak potential as Jesus' disciples. DiscipleLand partners with parents and teachers to build lifelong disciples who: • Know God intimately. They develop a reservoir of knowledge based on a Biblical worldview.
• Love God passionately. They display Christ-like character in every area of life.
• Serve God selflessly. They demonstrate faithful conduct that honors God and helps people. Mark Steiner has served as president of Through the Bible Publishers since 1995 and was instrumental in creating DiscipleLand.
It was my privilege to lead the team that developed DiscipleLand Bible curriculum, and I’m pleased to tell you how and why DiscipleLand was created.
My Christian education training included a course taught by Dr. Howard Hendricks called “Principles of Discipleship.” That experience opened my eyes to how Jesus made disciples in the first century—and how that process impacts His Church today. As the course drew to a close, Prof Hendricks gave one final assignment: “When I visit your places of ministry, I’ll ask you only one thing—show me your disciples.” Each of us left that room stunned and silent, but inspired.
Months later, while in the trenches of a local church ministry, I began to work closely with children. They were receptive. They were eager. They were capable. But their spiritual growth was marginal. These children were not being challenged. They were not reaching their peak potential—and it was our fault!
Our church began searching for curriculum that would help us “make disciples.” We completed a lesson-by-lesson analysis of seven children’s programs. In the end, we concluded that no existing curriculum provided an adequate foundation to accomplish this goal. We decided to launch our own. Soon, a team of designers, writers, illustrators, and editors began creating a discipleship-driven Bible curriculum for children. After ten years of praying and preparing, writing and revising, teaching and testing, DiscipleLand was finally born!
The vast majority of today’s Christian kids are spiritually malnourished. Fun and games are fine, but we’re raising a generation of children who have missed out on essential Bible training. To reach the spiritual heights that God intends, kids need a firm foundation in God’s Word. They need help to grow into solid disciples of Jesus Christ.
As your church considers the needs of children, please remember Jesus’ highest priority. Discipleship is the one thing we cannot neglect. Our team at DiscipleLand wants to join hands with you in growing Christ-like children who love God and His Word. We stand ready to help you accomplish your Christian education goals for children—and to help you develop world-class disciples. Children’s discipleship is the hope of the world!
Our Roots
Through the Bible Publishers (known as Roper Press for a period) has enjoyed a reputation for producing solid Bible curriculum since 1935. We create and distribute Christian education resources that feature excellence in Biblical content, educational methodology, and product presentation. Our primary responsibility is to serve the local and international Church. We exist to help the Church fulfill the Great Commission.
The late Dr. Harlin Roper (esteemed pastor of Scofield Church in Dallas, Texas) founded Through the Bible Publishers to encourage Christians to personally study the Word of God. For more than seventy-five years, Christians from an array of denominations have appreciated his "through-the-Book" approach. For Bible students who want to "rightly divide the Word of Truth," four study guides from Dr. Roper are still available.
Mark Steiner grew up in southern Illinois and met Christ through the Billy Graham ministry. He earned a Th.M. degree from Dallas Theological Seminary and did doctoral work at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. Prior to his publishing experience, Mark served as a Pastor of Christian Education for ten years. He is passionate about utilizing God’s Word to train God’s people to transform the planet. He is a seasoned seminar leader and a champion for children’s education.