This syllabus displays the lesson title, key truth, and Bible passage taught for each quarter in Level 5. To overview the entire curriculum, please review the Core Bible Scope and Sequence.
Quarter A: Old Testament Champions
Lesson Number and Description
Bible Passage
1: God Reigns
Hebrews 11
God rules over a universal Kingdom that extends throughout eternity.
2: God Creates
Genesis 1,6-9
God speaks the universe into being, giving people opportunities to honor Him.
3: Families Wander
Genesis 12
God promises to bless all the people on earth through one family.
4: Slaves Escape
Exodus 7-12
God judges the wicked and righteous deeds of all people.
5: Tribes Conquer
Joshua 1-6,10
God empowers His people to victory in the Promised Land.
6: Leaders Judge
Judges 2-4
God guides leaders who restore His people when they wander from Him.
7: Kings Rule
1 Kings 2,10-11
God anoints rulers who unify His people into one glorious nation, Israel.
8: Prophets Preach
1 Kings 16-18
God warns His wayward people to repent and obey His commands.
9: Kingdoms Collapse
2 Chronicles 36; Jeremiah 32
God punishes His disobedient people when they ignore His urgent warnings.
10: Captives Endure
Esther 7-9
God sends His rebellious people into exile so they will learn to trust Him.
11: Jews Return
Ezra 8-10
God restores His people to their homeland and rebuilds Jerusalem.
12: Jews Wait
Isaiah 53
God prepares the world for the arrival of His Son, the promised Messiah.
13: Review: "Old Testament Champions"
Review the quarter's key skills and events by playing "Bible Baseball."
Quarter B: New Testament Champions
Lesson Number and Description
Bible Passage
1: Jesus Arrives
Matthew 3
Jesus Christ, God's only Son, comes to earth and prepares to do God's work.
2: Jesus Teaches
John 3:1-21, 19:38-42
Jesus offers forgiveness and new life to everyone who believes in Him.
3: Jesus Leads
Luke 5:27-32, 10:1-20
Jesus calls twelve men to become His special followers, His apostles.
4: Jesus Heals
John 11
Jesus performs amazing miracles and heals many people.
5: Jesus Triumphs
John 20:19-31
Jesus dies on a cross and comes back to life, triumphing over death.
6: The Church Begins
Acts 2
Jesus sends the Holy Spirit who empowers His disciples to testify about Him.
7: The Church Scatters
Acts 8:1-13, 26-40
The Holy Spirit directs Jesus' disciples to proclaim the Good News in new regions.
8: The Church Expands
Acts 18
The Holy Spirit appoints messengers who explain God's salvation everywhere they go.
9: Churches Multiply
1 Corinthians 9:24-27
The Holy Spirit strengthens the churches, encouraging them to live uprightly.
10: Leaders Learn
Titus 2:1-8
The Holy Spirit teaches church leaders to selflessly serve God's people.
11: Christians Walk
Hebrews 12:1-13
The Holy Spirit encourages all believers to walk in Jesus' footsteps.
12: Jesus Reigns
Revelation 19-22
Jesus returns to defeat Satan, judge all people, and rule the new heaven and earth.
13: Review: "New Testament Champions"
Review the quarter's key skills and events by playing "Bible Baseball."
Quarter C: Christian Champions
Lesson Number and Description
Bible Passage
1: Age of the Church
Revelation 19:5-9
Dedicated Christians eagerly follow Jesus Christ through twenty centuries.
2: Age of Persecution
1 Peter 4:7-19
Fearless Christians endure persecution and death for their faith in Christ.
3: Age of Influence
2 Corinthians 5:14-21
Clear-thinking Christians attain respect throughout the Roman empire—and beyond.
4: Age of Authority
1 Peter 5:1-11
Resourceful Christians gain political power but neglect humility and holiness.
5: Age of Division
1 Corinthians 3:1-15
Political Christians compete for power, splitting the church between East and West.
6: Age of Crusades
Ezekiel 36:18-38
Aroused Christians rally to fight for the Church against Islamic invasions.
7: Age of Unrest
Romans 12
Distressed Christians plead for change in the worldly Church.
8: Age of Reform
Romans 5:1-11
Resolute Christians sever the authority of the controlling Church.
9: Age of Piety
Titus 2:11-15
Devout Christians establish churches and societies based on the Bible.
10: Age of Awakening
Colossians 1:1-14
Fervent Christians revive the faith of individuals and nations.
11: Age of Missions
Romans 10:11-15
Determined Christians ignite a passion to reach the entire world for Christ.
12: Age of Ministries
2 Corinthians 4:1-7
Focused Christians launch ministries to reach people in specific segments of society.
13: Review: "Christian Champions"
Review the quarter's key skills and events by playing "Bible Baseball."
Quarter D: Tomorrow's Champions
Lesson Number and Description
Bible Passage
1: Endure Hardships
2 Corinthians 11:16-33
Champions persevere through setbacks and adversity.
2: Reach Goals
1 Timothy 1
Champions stay on course, embracing truth and rejecting false beliefs.
3: Glorify God
1 Timothy 2
Champions worship humbly and sincerely, not drawing attention to themselves.
4: Earn Respect
1 Timothy 3
Champions conduct themselves honorably, guarding their reputations.
5: Pursue Godliness
1 Timothy 4
Champions practice self-discipline, serving as role models for others to follow.
6: Fight Favoritism
1 Timothy 5
Champions demonstrate unbiased concern for the welfare of all people.
7: Invest Wisely
1 Timothy 6
Champions are content to be rich in good deeds that earn eternal rewards.
8: Show Courage
2 Timothy 1
Champions bravely proclaim the Gospel message in spite of suffering.
9: Work Hard
2 Timothy 2
Champions diligently teach believers to remain faithful to the Lord.
10: Get Ready
2 Timothy 3
Champions equip themselves to stand against people who oppose the truth.
11: Finish Strong
2 Timothy 4
Champions triumph as they faithfully proclaim God's Word.
12: Expect Victory
Romans 8:28-39
Champions overcome threats and circumstances through Christ Jesus.
13: Review: "Tomorrow's Champions"
Review the quarter's key skills and events by playing "Bible Baseball."