This syllabus displays the lesson title, key truth, and Bible passage taught for each quarter in Level 4. To overview the entire curriculum, please review the
Quarter A: Eyewitnesses
Lesson Number and Description
Bible Passage
1: Explosion
Acts 1—28
Christians spread the Good News about Jesus from Jerusalem to the ends of the earth.
2: Abandoned?
Acts 1
Jesus commands His followers to proclaim the Good News to others.
3: Energized
Acts 2:1-21
The Holy Spirit empowers Christians to witness about Jesus.
4: Happy Birthday
Acts 2:22-47
The Holy Spirit unites Christians in one heart and purpose.
5: Walk!
Acts 3
The Holy Spirit enables Christians to perform miracles that show God's power.
6: Great Boldness
Acts 4:1-31
The Holy Spirit empowers Christians to speak boldly about Jesus.
7: Loyal Hearts
Acts 4:32—5:42
The Holy Spirit encourages Christians to remain loyal to God.
8: Who Cares?
Acts 6:1-7
The Holy Spirit guides Christians to selflessly serve others.
9: Rocked to Sleep
Acts 6:8—7:60
The Holy Spirit gives Christians courage to stand firm during trials.
10: Persecution
Acts 8:1-25
The Holy Spirit scatters Christians to spread the Good News into new regions.
11: Into Africa
Acts 8:26-40
The Holy Spirit directs Christians to tell others about Jesus' love and forgiveness.
12: Surprise Ending!
Acts 9:1-31
The Holy Spirit transforms the Christian's enemy into the Church's leader.
13: Review: "Eyewitnesses"
Review the quarter's key skills and events while playing "Who Wants to Be an Eyewitness?"
Quarter B: Powerful Messengers
Lesson Number and Description
Bible Passage
1: Special Gifts
Acts 9:32-43
The Holy Spirit empowers Christians to serve others with their spiritual gifts.
2: Double Vision
Acts 10:1-22
The Holy Spirit reveals that the Good News about Jesus is for everyone.
3: Gentiles for Jesus
Acts 10:23-48
The Holy Spirit fills Gentiles who believe the message about Jesus.
4: Changes
Acts 11
The Holy Spirit directs believers to take the message into new regions.
5: Mission Impossible
Acts 12
The Holy Spirit responds to the prayers of the Church.
6: Missionaries
Acts 13:1-12
The Holy Spirit sets apart messengers to witness about Jesus in other regions.
7: Jealous or Joyous?
Acts 13:13-52
The Holy Spirit inspires messengers to speak to all who will listen.
8: Unstoppable
Acts 14
The Holy Spirit strengthens Jesus' messengers to persevere under hardship.
9: Welcome!
Acts 15:1-35
The Holy Spirit guides the Church to embrace Gentile believers.
10: Branching Out
Acts 15:36—16:10
The Holy Spirit directs the steps of obedient Christians.
11: Earthquake
Acts 16:11-40
The Holy Spirit brings great victory out of great difficulty.
12: An Unknown God
Acts 17
The Holy Spirit encourages believers to face any kind of response to the Gospel.
13: Review: "Powerful Messengers"
Review the quarter's key skills and events while playing "Who Wants to Be a Messenger?"
Quarter C: Valiant Voyagers
Lesson Number and Description
Bible Passage
1: Speak Out
Acts 18
The Holy Spirit encourages Christians to faithfully help each other.
2: Riot!
Acts 19
The Holy Spirit frees people from the bondage of idolatry to turn to Jesus.
3: Farewell
Acts 20
The Holy Spirit builds trust among believers, strengthening the Church.
4: Arrested!
Acts 21:1-36
The Holy Spirit comforts Christians who obey God no matter what.
5: In Defense
Acts 21:37—22:29
The Holy Spirit empowers believers to boldly testify about Jesus.
6: Conspiracy
Acts 22:30—23:35
The Holy Spirit protects Christians from the enemy's attacks.
7: Clear Conscience
Acts 24
The Holy Spirit helps believers defend their faith and actions.
8: To Caesar!
Acts 25
The Holy Spirit provides patience to Christians who wait on God.
9: Get Agrippa
Acts 26
The Holy Spirit directs believers to stand up for the truth.
10: Shipwreck!
Acts 27
The Holy Spirit delivers Christians from harm in order to achieve His purposes.
11: Home in Rome
Acts 28
The Holy Spirit enables believers to witness to all people.
12: Well Done!
Acts 1—28
The Holy Spirit sustains Christians to continually spread Jesus' message.
13: Review: "Valiant Voyagers"
Review the quarter's key skills and events while playing "Who Wants to Be a Missionary?"
Quarter D: World Ambassador
Lesson Number and Description
Bible Passage
1: Junk Food
Daniel 1
God blesses those who choose to obey His Word.
2: Dream On!
Daniel 2
God controls everything that will take place in the future.
3: Fired Up!
Daniel 3
God protects and rewards those who solely worship Him.
4: Humble Pie
Daniel 4
God shows mercy when He humbles those who walk in pride.
5: Bye Bye Babylon
Daniel 5
God punishes arrogant people who exalt themselves over others.
6: Lion Down
Daniel 6
God rescues people who trust Him and do what is right.
7: Daunting Dreams
Daniel 7
In the end, God will overcome all His enemies and rule the entire earth.
8: No Kidding!
Daniel 8
God fulfills His prophecies about future events—to the smallest detail!
9: Seventy "Sevens"
Daniel 9
God answers the prayers of those who seek Him.
10: Battle Stations!
Daniel 10:1—11:35
God wages a great battle against Satan—angels and people must choose sides.
11: Things to Come
Daniel 11:36—12:13
God directs earthly leaders to carry out His kingdom purposes.
12: Kingdom Ambassadors
Daniel 1-12
God's kingdom will vanquish all earthly realms and will endure forever.
13: Review: "World Changers"
Review the quarter's key skills and events while playing "Who Wants to Be a World Ambassador?"