Quarter A: Family Life With God
Lesson Number and Description
Bible Passage
1: The Family
Genesis 2:4-24
God created families to love and care for each other.
2: Parents
Exodus 2:1-10
God the Father shows parents how to love, protect, and teach their children.
3: Children
1 Samuel 1:1—2:11
Children are God's most precious gifts to parents.
4: Brothers & Sisters
Genesis 25:19-34
God wants brothers and sisters to encourage and support each other.
5: Grandparents
Ruth 1-4
Grandparents rely on God's wisdom to guide their children and grandchildren.
6: Growing Up
1 Samuel 3
As children grow up, they learn to listen to and respond to God, their Savior.
7: Clothes
1 Samuel 2:18-21
God generously provides clothes to cover and protect our bodies.
8: Homes
2 Kings 4:8-37
The home is God's safe place for children to learn and grow.
9: Food
Exodus 16:1-35
God gives food to nourish our bodies.
10: Chores
1 Samuel 16:1-13; 17:34-37
Families work together to honor God as their Lord and Master.
11: Play
1 Samuel 16:18-23
Playtime helps children develop skills and strength to serve the mighty God.
12: School
Deuteronomy 4:1-14
The ability to learn is an exciting and valuable gift from God.
Review: "Family Life With God"
Review the key concepts, skills, and events for the entire quarter while playing "Sheep in the Fold."
Quarter B: At Work With God
Lesson Number and Description
Bible Passage
1: Work
Exodus 35:30—36:7
Workers use their special skills to honor God and serve others.
2: Farmer
1 Kings 19:19-21, Mark 4:3-20
As a farmer cares for young plants, God patiently watches over His children.
3: Potter
Jeremiah 18
As a potter shapes soft clay, God molds His children to be righteous like Him.
4: Builder
Genesis 6
As a builder constructs a grand building, God builds strong character into His children.
5: Servant
Genesis 37:2-36, 39:1-6
As servants honor their kind master, God's children eagerly serve and please Him.
6: Weaver
Proverbs 31:19-31
As a weaver fashions fine cloth, God weaves His children into special creations.
7: Shepherd
Psalm 23
As a shepherd leads his beloved sheep, Jesus guides His children to follow Him.
8: Musician
1 Chronicles 15:16-29
As a musician savors beautiful song, God delights in adoration and praise.
9: Vineyard Worker
1 Kings 21
As a vineyard worker harvests sweet grapes, God produces spiritual fruit in His children.
10: Soldier
1 Samuel 17:4-50
As a soldier battles a dangerous enemy, God's children combat Satan's evil forces.
11: Merchant
1 Kings 9:26-10:29
As a merchant buys and sells goods, God teaches me honesty and wisdom.
12: Metal Worker
1 Kings 7:13-51
As a metalworker forges valuable metal, God purifies His precious children.
13: Review: "At Work with God"
Review the key concepts, skills, and events for the entire quarter while playing "Sheep in the Fold."
Quarter C: At Worship With God
Lesson Number and Description
Bible Passage
1: True Worship
Genesis 8
God welcomes all worship that honors Him.
2: False Worship
2 Chronicles 33
God rejects those who worship anyone or anything besides Him.
3: Personal Worship
Psalm 63
God meets personally with everyone who worships Him.
4: Family Worship
Deuteronomy 6
God calls families to love and worship Him.
5: Group Worship
2 Chronicles 29
God graciously responds when people gather to worship Him.
6: Altar Worship
Genesis 35:1-15
God's people sacrificed animals on altars to receive forgiveness of sins.
7: Tabernacle Worship
Exodus 40
God's people witnessed His glory in the wilderness tabernacle.
8: Temple Worship
2 Chronicles 5—7
God's people built a magnificent Temple in Jerusalem to exalt Him.
9: Holiday Worship
Leviticus 23
God's people celebrate holidays ("holy days") to remember how God has helped them.
10: Synagogue Worship
Acts 17:1-15, Hebrews 10:25
God's people gathered in community synagogues to worship Him.
11: Church Worship
1 Corinthians 12:12-31
God's people worship Him today through local churches around the world.
12: Heavenly Worship
Revelation 5
God's people worship the Lamb, the Alpha and Omega.
13: Review: "At Worship With God"
Review the key concepts, skills, and events for the entire quarter while playing "Sheep in the Fold."
Quarter D: Village Life with God
Lesson Number and Description
Bible Passage
1: Tent Living
Genesis 12-13
God leads His people to places where they can serve Him best.
Attribute: Three-in-one
2: Travel
Genesis 32-33
God shows His people the way as they travel.
Attribute: The Way
3: Seasons and Weather
1 Kings 17:1-7, 18:41-46
God controls the seasons and the weather to accomplish His purposes.
Attribute: Unchanging
4: Plants and Herbs
Numbers 13-14
God created plants and herbs for people to enjoy.
Attribute: Loving
5: Animals
Genesis 1-2
God made animals for people to care for and enjoy.
Attribute: Redeemer
6: Birds and Insects
Exodus 8-10
God designed every small creature to fulfill His purposes.
Attribute: Perfect
7: Marketplace
Ezekiel 27:12-24
God provides everything His people need.
Attribute: Provider
8: Health & Healing
2 Kings 5:1-19
God gives His people guidelines to care for their bodies.
Attribute: Healer
9: Cities
Joshua 6
God protects His people from their enemies.
Attribute: Protector
10: Government
Exodus 18
God appoints human leaders to carry out His wonderful plan.
Attribute: Judge
11: Marriage
Genesis 24
God created marriage for a man and woman to serve Him together.
Attribute: Bridegroom
12: Birth and Death
Genesis 21, 23
God directs the birth, life, and death of every person.
Attribute: Eternal
13: Review: "Village Life With God"
Review the key concepts, skills, and events for the entire quarter while playing "Sheep in the Fold."