DiscipleLand Affiliate/Reseller Program
Thank you for your interest in DiscipleLand. Discipleland provides Biblical resources that transform children around the world into dynamic disciples of Jesus Christ—kids who know God intimately, love Him passionately, and serve Him selflessly. DiscipleLand markets its children’s ministry resources primarily through our website here in the U.S. and through a worldwide network of distributor/reseller partners. We offer an attractive reseller discount program.
Current Distributor Opportunities
• Australia
• Philippines
• Africa
• United Kingdom
• India
• New Zealand
If you are interested in becoming a DiscipleLand distributor/reseller, please review the following prerequisite criteria prior to contacting us. To become an authorized reseller, we require you to sign a formal reseller agreement. • You have read and agree with our Belief statements • Do you have an ecommerce website? • Do you have a physical retail store (in the country in which you wish to resell)? • Do you provide sales and customer assistance to your customers? • Do you provide direct internet support for customers?
If you meet the above requirements and are interested in becoming a DiscipleLand Reseller, please email info at discipleland.com (replace at with @).
Again, thank you for your interest in DiscipleLand.